Disability Consultation Event

Disability Consultation Event in Birmingham In our Democracy Review consultation, disabled members made it clear that they are unhappy with current levels of representation of disabled members in the Labour Party. In our submission to the Democracy Review, Momentum...

LGBT+ Consultation Event

LGBT+ Consultation Event in Birmingham The LGBT+ community has struggled against discrimination for decades. The Labour Party Democracy Review represents a great opportunity to ensure that Labour continues improving its representation of LGBT+ people in society. The...

Women’s Consultation Event

Women’s Consultation Event in Leeds Women’s representation has improved significantly in the Labour Party in recent decades, with major improvements in the number of elected female MPs following the introduction of All Women Shortlists in the 1990s. However, women...

Momentum National Conference

Momentum National Conference   In July we’re having a weekend in Durham – and we want you to join us. There’ll be Momentum National Conference on the Sunday, as well two of the most exciting, independent left wing events in Europe on the Thursday, Friday...