Momentum’s Brexit consultation


A Momentum consultation has revealed that 92% of members surveyed want Labour MPs to vote down Theresa May’s Brexit deal if it fails Labour’s six tests. We’re preparing to campaign on this now, if needed – support us by chipping in £5 here.

Open for ten days on Momentum’s digital democracy platform and completed by more than 6500 members, the consultation asked a broad range of questions including whether a no-deal Brexit should be rejected as a viable option and whether Momentum members prioritise a public vote on Brexit or a general election.

The consultation found that:

  • 92% of members want all Labour MPs to vote down Theresa May’s Brexit deal
  • 89% believe a no-deal Brexit should be rejected as a viable option
  • 82% believe Brexit is likely to make things worse for their friends, family and community.
  • While 41% of members support a public vote in all circumstances a total of 57% either prioritise a General Election over a public vote or do not want any public vote
  • 97% of respondents signed a petition calling on Theresa May to immediately end the uncertainty around the rights and status of EU citizens living in the UK, and UK citizens living elsewhere in the EU.

The full results of the consultation can be found here

The consultation comes as a group of Labour MPs have implied they could vote for Theresa May’s Brexit deal in Parliament later this month. This follows a vote on the Customs Bill in July when three Labour MPs voted with the Conservatives, saving the government from defeat and a possible general election.

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