1. Summary of the Constitution
Membership is open to anyone who either was a financial subscriber of Momentum on 10 January 2017, or is over 14 years old, is a member of the Labour Party and no other political organisation, agrees to be bound by Momentum’s rules, or is accepted for membership by the NCG.
Membership in the Momentum Movement Builders scheme is open to anyone over 14 who is a member of no policy party nor an organisation disallowed by the NCG, agrees to be bound by the rules of Momentum or is accepted by the NCG.
1) National Coordinating Group (NCG):
The National Coordinating Group will comprise:
- 26 members from regional divisions: London and Eastern (6); Northern (North West & North East (5); Midlands (West Midlands & East Midlands) (4); Yorkshire and the Humber, Northern Ireland & International (3); South East (3); South West (3); Scotland (1); Wales (1)
- 3 Momentum members who are Labour public officer holders (of the UK, European or Scottish Parliaments, Welsh or London Assemblies, Elected Mayors or Police Commissioners, or Labour members of a British local authority).
- 1 member of the Socialist Campaign Group
- Up to 4 members nominated by affiliated trade unions
- 1 from Campaign for Socialism (Scotland) and 1 from Welsh Labour Grassroots
- 4 members nominated by other affiliated organisations
Of those elected as regional representatives:
- At least 13/26 must be women or people of other marginalised genders
- At least 6/26 must be BAME
- At least 3/26 must be Disabled
- At least 3/26 must be LGBT+
- At least 3/26 must be members under the age of 30
Of those elected as Public Office Holders’ representatives:
• At least 2/4 must be women or people of other marginalised genders
• At least 1/4 must be BAME
Members of the NCG shall be nominated and elected by 31 March 2020 and within the first four months of each even-numbered year thereafter. NCG members shall remain members of the NCG until new members are nominated and elected. All NCG members elected partly or wholly by OMOV ballot are limited to a maximum
of two consecutive terms.
2. Democracy Q&A
How can the constitution be changed?
The NCG shall ensure that there is an online facility to enable members to propose that:
- A proposed amendment to this constitution be considered by the NCG;
Support for a particular campaign be considered by the NCG; - A proposed amendment to this constitution rejected by the NCG be put to a ballot
of members; and - A prior decision of the NCG on whether to support a particular campaign, to issue
guidance or directives to all members, to groups or to networks be put to a ballot
of members. - An NCG representative be recalled, subject to the requirement.
How can members vote on campaign priorities?
Proposals made under Rule 12.1 (i) or (ii) with the support of 1000 members or 5% of members, whichever is fewer, shall be considered by the NCG. Where a proposal made under Rule 12.1 (iii) has the support of 10% of members, the proposed amendment to this constitution shall be put to a OMOV ballot of the membership by the NCG within three months and shall be adopted in the event envisaged by Rule 11.5 (ii). Where a proposal made under Rule 12.1 (iv) has the support of 10% of members, the decision shall be put to a OMOV ballot of the membership by the NCG within three months and shall be overturned where at least 50% of votes cast in a OMOV ballot of the membership and at least 15% of those eligible to vote are in favour of doing so. Results of OMOV ballots are binding on the NCG. An amendment of this constitution or decision of the NCG shall not be put to an OMOV ballot of the membership twice in a period of one year without the agreement of the NCG.
Results of OMOV ballots are binding on the NCG. An amendment of this constitution or decision of the NCG shall not be put to an OMOV ballot of the membership twice in a period of one year without the agreement of the NCG.
3. Membership Q&A
Who can be a member?
Membership is open to anyone who:
- Is 14 or over
- Is a member of the Labour Party and no other political party nor an organisation disallowed by National Coordination Group
- Agrees to be bound by the rules of Momentum, including its code of ethicsThere will be a minimum annual membership fee.
Membership will begin when a membership application and first payment is received. A list of members will be kept by or on behalf of the NCG. All members will be eligible to vote in one-member-one-vote (“OMOV”) ballots.
If you are not able to be a member of Momentum, please email [email protected].
If you need to change the name of a key contact or position holder in your group, please email [email protected].
How do I cancel my membership?
To cancel your membership, you can email [email protected].

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