Young Labour National Committee Equalities Officers 2021
Young Labour is the organisation representing around 100,000 Labour Party members under the age of 27, and the National Committee is its governing body. Young Labour has responsibilities for campaigning, political education, and support for training activities for younger members. In recent years, the National Committee has been predominantly run by the left, who have used it to promote left-wing policy positions and political education events for younger members. It is vitally important to ensure that the left continues to lead Young Labour so that it can continue to make, teach, and keep socialists.
Nominations are now open to elect representatives for younger members who are disabled, black, minority and ethnic minority (BAME), LGBTQ, and women on the Young Labour National Committee (YLNC). In November the Socialist Future slate won a majority of positions. In order to ensure that younger members falling into any of these four liberation groups are represented by socialists, and to ensure that the YLNC retains a strong socialist orientation, it is essential to elect strong socialist candidates.
Labour Party Timeline
- Friday 26th February 2021 ― Statement submissions closed
- Friday 11th June 2021, 12 noon ― Nominations Deadline
- Monday 5th July 2021 ― Ballot Opens
- Friday 27th August 2021, 12 noon ― CAC CLP Rep Ballot Closed
All candidates must be under 27
Young Labour National Committee – BAME Officer
- Must have at least 12 months continuous membership.
- Must have self-identified as BAME.
- Nominated by at least five CLPs/Young Labour Branches or one affiliated organisation.
- 18 month term. (in line with the other committee positions)
Young Labour National Committee – Women’s Officer
- Must have at least 12 months continuous membership.
- Have self-identified as a woman.
- Nominated by at least five CLPs/Young Labour Branches or one affiliated organisation.
- Elected by all women members under the age of 27.
- 18 month term. (inline with the other committee positions)
Young Labour National Committee – LGBT+ Officer
- Must have at least 12 months continuous membership.
- Have self-identified as LGBT+
- Nominated by at least five CLPs/Young Labour Branches or one affiliated organisation.
- Elected by all members under the age of 27.
- 18 month term. (inline with the other committee positions)
Young Labour National Committee – Disabled Members’ Officer
- Must have at least 12 months continuous membership.
- Have self-identified as disabled.
- Nominated by at least five CLPs/Young Labour Branches or one affiliated organisation.
- Elected by all members under the age of 27 who have self-identified as Disabled
- 18 month term. (inline with the other committee positions)
Person Specification
Momentum is committed to support candidates who meet the following criteria:
- Membership of Momentum
- Demonstrable commitment to Momentum’s aims and objectives, and in particular support for a Labour Government with a transformative vision for the country and a programme incorporating the broad content and spirit of the 2017 and 2019 Manifestos as a core overriding political priority.
- Committed to building a Young Labour oriented towards making, teaching, and keeping young socialists, through political education, training and campaigning activities, and where appropriate to working with Momentum to achieve these objectives.
- Clear and unambiguous support for Labour Party policy of promoting equality, tackling under-representation and challenging all discrimination on the basis of age, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability and religious beliefs. While the Labour Party is the strongest vehicle in society for delivering transformative change, we must acknowledge that our historic record in opposing discrimination is imperfect and contradictory, and there is no room for complacency when combatting all forms of prejudice which exist in society.
- Demonstrated commitment to representing the respective liberation group.
- Eligibility to stand for the appropriate position in Young Labour.
Momentum’s Process
If you are interested in applying, please complete an application form by Friday 19th February at 12 noon. The applications will be assessed by a panel representing the National Coordinating Group, and shortlisted candidates will be invited to an interview.

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