Over the past year and a half, Momentum has been putting local groups and members at the heart of everything we do.

We held our first ever Policy Primary in the run up to Labour Conference, giving members the decisive say in what policies we campaign for in the Party. In August we launched the Leo Panitch leadership programme to support and develop the next generation of socialist leaders, and right now we are running Momentum Assemblies where members get to contribute to the future direction of the organisation.

But now it’s time to shift resources to our local groups, which sit at the heart of our first ever public strategy, Socialist Organising in a New Era. So we are launching our new Local Group Funding Pot – an opportunity for local groups to secure financial support to fund their fantastic work.

To continue the job of turning Momentum into a member-led organisation building socialism from the ground up, we need to make sure local groups have the resources to carry out the work at a local level, as well as having a say over key decisions. Socialism starts in our communities, with the work of our members on the ground.

As of today, your local group can apply for up to £400 worth of funding. It can be for a project that is ongoing, or something you would like to get off the ground. The project must meet one of Momentum’s organisational objectives and at least one of our strategic focuses, as outlined in our strategy document Socialist Organising for a New Era, here.

It’s simple. Just apply below by filling out the form, and make sure that any proposal you submit has the full backing of your Momentum group.

We can’t wait to read them.