Young Labour and Labour Students Primaries 2022

In a country where the needs of young people are so often ignored, the role of Young Labour and Labour Students is all the more vital. Our Party needs a strident youth wing that stands up for the interests of younger generations and demands action on housing, low-pay, the climate crisis and education.

Following two years of fantastic work by the current Young Labour National Committee, Momentum is holding primaries to give members the decisive say on the candidates we support for the upcoming elections to the Young Labour and the Labour Students National Committees. We need the best candidates for these vital roles, so if you think you have what it takes – apply now by filling out the form at the bottom of the page.

See below for important information about the elections and Momentum’s primary.

What are Young Labour and Labour Students?

Young Labour is the organisation representing around 100,000 Labour Party members under the age of 27, and the National Committee is its governing body. Young Labour has responsibilities for campaigning, political education, and support for training activities for younger members.

Labour Students is the Labour Party’s student organisation, made up of a network of affiliated university and college clubs. Labour Students is active on and off-campus, running political education, mobilising activists for elections and organising within the National Union of Students (NUS).

Nominations are now open to elect representatives for younger members and students. Momentum will run a first-past-the-post primary to decide who to endorse for the National Committees of Young Labour and Labour Students.

Momentum Primary Timeline

  • Wednesday 2 February  ― Process Launches
  • Midday, Thursday 10 February ― Deadline for Candidate Applications
  • Thursday 10 – Sunday 13 February ― Shortlising and Interviews
  • Monday 14 February  ― Statements Published on Website
  • Thursday 17 February ― Ballot Opens
  • Wednesday 23 February ― Ballot Closes
  • Thursday 24 February ― Results announced

Labour Party Timeline

  • Midday, Friday 25 February ― Deadline for Candidate Submissions
  • Sunday 13 June  ―  Equalities Monitoring Form Deadline
  • Friday 17 June, 12 noon ― Nominations Deadline; Deadline to identify with Equalities Strand and Verify Student Status
  • Friday 8 June ― Ballot Opens
  • Friday 5 August ― Ballot Closes

Candidate Eligibility

Young Labour

All candidates seeking Momentum’s support for the Young Labour National Committee must meet the following criteria:

  • Membership of Momentum
  • Under the age of 27 as of Friday 17 June 2022, under the age of 18 for candidates for U18s position
  • Continuous Labour Party membership for 12 months prior to 17 June 2022
  • If you are applying to be a regional representative for the YLNC in the North, North West and South West, or national representative in Wales or Scotland you must be a self-identifying woman.

Candidates who fall into the respective demographic and geographical groups, and who meet the above criteria will be able to stand.

To join Momentum, click here.

Labour Students

All candidates seeking Momentum’s support for the Labour Students National Committee must meet the following criteria:

  • Membership of Momentum
  • Continuous Labour Party membership for 12 months prior to 17 June 2022
  • Enrolment in a higher or further education institution as of Friday 17 June 2022

To join Momentum, click here.

BAME Representation

In order to ensure BAME representation, a minimum of 5 candidates from the overall Young Labour slate of 18 must identify as BAME. If less than this number are elected, the places will be filled by the BAME candidate(s) who loses by the smallest margin in any given section.

For the National Committee of Labour Students, 4 out of 14 must be BAME.

Women’s Representation

The primary will apply All Women Shortlists (AWS’s) for the regional and national positions that mirror the Labour Party AWS’s (North, North West, Scotland, South West, and Wales).

Elected Positions

Momentum is seeking applications for endorsements for the following positions. Where an incumbent is re-applying to stand again, the shortlisting panel will have the power to automatically re-endorse, following an interview process. Please note the information here provided on CLP nominations refers to the Labour Party process and not Momentum’s.

Apply for the following positions:


Young Labour National Committee – Chair

  • Nominated by at least 5 Young Labour Branches or CLPs
  • 2 year term

Young Labour National Committee – Representatives of regions and nations

9 positions, one from each region of England and one each from the nations of Scotland and Wales, positions reserved for women detailed below

  • Representatives for North, North West, Scotland, South West, and Wales must self-identify as women
  • Nominated by at least 3 Young Labour Branches or CLPs within the relevant region
  • 2 year term

Young Labour National Committee – Scottish Representative

  • Nominated by at least 3 Young Labour Branches or  CLPs within Scotland
  • Elected by all members of the Scottish Labour Party under the age of 27
  • 2 year term

Young Labour National Committee – Welsh Representative

  • Nominated by at least 3 Young Labour Branches or CLPs within Wales
  • Elected by all members of the Welsh Labour Party under the age of 27
  • 2 year term

Young Labour National Committee – LGBT+ Officer

  • Nominated by at least 5 Young Labour Branches or CLPs
  • Must self-identify as LGBT+
  • Elected by all members of the Labour Party under the age of 27 who self-identify as LGBT+
  • 2 year term

Young Labour National Committee – Women’s Officer

  • Nominated by at least 5 Young Labour Branches or CLPs
  • Must self-identify as a woman
  • Elected by all members of the Labour Party under the age of 27 who self-identify as women
  • 2 year term

Young Labour National Committee – BAME Officer

  • Nominated by at least 5 Young Labour Branches or CLPs
  • Must self-identify as BAME
  • Elected by all members of the Labour Party under the age of 27 who self-identify as BAME
  • 2 year term

Young Labour National Committee – Disabled Members’ Officer

  • Nominated by at least 5 Young Labour Branches or CLPs
  • Must self-identify as disabled 
  • Elected by all members of the Labour Party under the age of 27 who self-identify as disabled
  • 2 year term

Young Labour National Committee – International Officer

  • Nominated by at least 5 Young Labour Branches or CLPs
  • 2 year term

Young Labour National Committee – Under 18s Officer

  • Nominated by at least 5 Young Labour Branches or CLPs
  • Must be under the age of 18 on 17 June 2022
  • Elected by all eligible members who are under the age of 18
  • 2 year term

There are also 10 Trade Union and 1 Socialist Society positions for which Momentum will not be holding primaries. 

National Committee of Labour Students – Chair

  • Nominated by at least 50 verified student members of the Labour Party
  • Must be a verified student member of the Labour Party
  • Elected by all members verified student members of the Labour Party
  • 2 year term

National Committee of Labour Students – Secretary

  • Nominated by at least 50 verified student members of the Labour Party
  • Must be a verified student member of the Labour Party
  • Elected by all verified student members of the Labour Party
  • 2 year term

National Committee of Labour Students – Vice-Chair

  • Nominated by at least 50 verified student members of the Labour Party
  • Must be a verified student member of the Labour Party
  • Elected by all verified student members of the Labour Party
  • 2 year term

National Committee of Labour Students – Women’s Officer

  • Nominated by at least 20 verified student members of the Labour Party who self-identify as women
  • Must be a verified student member of the Labour Party who self-identifies as a woman
  • Elected by all verified student members of the Labour Party who self-identify as women
  • 2 year term

National Committee of Labour Students – BAME Officer

  • Nominated by at least 20 verified student members of the Labour Party who self-identify as BAME
  • Must be a verified student member of the Labour Party who self-identifies as BAME
  • Elected by all verified student members of the Labour Party who self-identify as BAME
  • 2 year term

National Committee of Labour Students – LGBT+ Officer

  • Nominated by at least 20 verified student members of the Labour Party who self-identify as LGBT+
  • Must be a verified student member of the Labour Party who self-identifies as LGBT+
  • Elected by all verified student members of the Labour Party who self-identify as LGBT+
  • 2 year term

National Committee of Labour Students – Disabled Students’ Officer

  • Nominated by at least 50 verified student members of the Labour Party who self-identify as disabled
  • Must be a verified student member of the Labour Party who self-identifies as disabled
  • Elected by all  verified student members of the Labour Party who self-identify as disabled
  • 2 year term

National Committee of Labour Students – Trans Officer

  • Nominated by at least 20 verified student members of the Labour Party who self-identify as trans
  • Must be a verified student member of the Labour Party who self-identifies as trans
  • Elected by all verified student members of the Labour party who self-identify as trans
  • 2 year term

National Committee of Labour Students – Ordinary Student Representatives

6 positions, three of whom must be women, with a minimum of 1 from each of the following – further education students, international students, mature students, postgraduate students

  • Nominated by at least 20 verified student members of the Labour Party
  • Must be a verified student member of the Labour Party
  • Elected by all  verified student members of the Labour Party
  • 2 year term

There are also 11 regional and national positions for which Momentum will not be holding primaries. 


Voter Eligibility for the Momentum Primary

Young Labour: Momentum members who join by the close of the Momentum ballot and are under 27 (DOB on or after 18 June 1995) as of 17 June 2022 are eligible to vote for positions on the Young Labour National Committee.

Labour Students: Momentum members who join by the close of the ballot and are enrolled in a higher or further education institution are eligible to vote for one of the National Committee of Labour Students positions.


How to Apply

Apply by filling in the application form by midday on Thursday 10th February. The statement in it will also be sent out with the ballot if you are shortlisted. Please also attach a square photo with no political branding, proof of your student status (if you are standing for a student position) and a screenshot of your Labour Party Membership card, which you can access by logging into My Labour. These will be sent out with the ballot.

Momentum reserves the right to take appropriate action where a candidate’s statements or actions appear to contradict any of Momentum’s principles or objectives, such as asking for clarifications and/or further evidence or excluding a given candidate from running in the primary.


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