Labour for labour
Last updated 18/01/2023
As millions of ordinary people struggle, while the wealthiest rake it in, Labour’s choice is simple – back the workers, or back the bosses. The Labour Party was founded by trade unions, and workers remain the beating heart of our movement. We don’t need picket line bans or below-inflation payrises – we need a labour movement standing united.
We know that both the Labour membership and the public back the workers. That’s why we’re launching a campaign to push Starmer to mandate frontbench MPs to attend picket lines and fully back striking workers and their demands for inflation-proof pay-rises.
At Conference last year, delegates and trade unions unanimously expressed their support for MPs visiting picket-lines and inflation-busting pay rises. We’ll continue to mobilise for picket lines and we’ll again demand the Leadership does the same, alongside supporting the inflation-proof pay rises Conference agreed unanimously.
Here’s what you can do to support the campaign.
What you can do
- Join your regional Labour4labour Whatsapp group – check your emails for details. Once you are in the group, organise to get down to picket lines with others in your region. Share the link with anyone you think might be interested – they don’t have to be a Momentum member. Sign up to the campaign below or check your emails to receive the invite links to the chats.
- Get down to the picket line – once you’ve found a group of Momentum members in your region and a nearby strike, organise a trip to the picket line and support the striking workers. Take a picture at the picket and post it into the regional Whatsapp group with the hashtag #Labour4labour and we’ll tweet it to help put pressure on Starmer.
- Pass our Labour for labour motion in your CLP to demand that the party abides by the motions passed at conference, commits to repealing all anti-trade union laws, and to organise local delegations of Labour members to picket lines, asking all councillors and elected office holders locally to join.
- Use our lobbying tool and set up a meeting with your MP – if you have a Labour MP email them directly to request a meeting, where you can ask them to attend the picket lines with you and other members. If you don’t, you can email Keir Starmer directly.
- Organise your own Strike Solidarity Event – get together with your local Momentum group and organise your own Strike Solidarity Event. Here is our Strike Solidarity resource, which gives you step by step guidance on how to run an event. If you don’t have a local group – organise one with your new people you met on the picket!