Statement on Momentum’s Position Regarding Candidate Endorsements & Equalities
The following statement was agreed by Momentum’s National Coordinating Group in February 2023.
Momentum is a socialist, anti-racist organisation, committed to fighting against all forms of racism, including Islamophobia, anti-semitism and anti-black racism, as well as sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism and other systems of oppression. There is no liberation for one without liberation for all.
As a socialist organisation, it is vital that we practise what we preach. Accordingly, the candidates backed by Momentum for internal Labour Party elections must not only share our socialist politics, but also these commitments to equalities and fighting oppression.
In recent years, the commitments of left-wing candidates for Labour elections have particularly come under scrutiny with regards to trans rights.
Given the tidal wave of transphobia emanating from the Tories and the right-wing press, and the Labour Leadership’s failure to stand up to this robustly, it is more important than ever that the Left takes a strong pro-trans rights position. Ahead of elections to Labour’s CAC and NCC, Momentum is therefore announcing that, in both these and other national internal Labour Party elections, we will not campaign for or support candidates who have expressed opposition to trans rights and/or gender self-identification.
As Labour’s Leadership ditches the Party’s democratic BAME structures; reduces the National Women’s Conference from a vibrant stand-alone event to a one day bolt-on to the Labour Party conference; recommits to benefit sanctions; and abandons socialist policy commitments in favour of corporate interests, it is vital that the Left comes together in a spirit of comradely solidarity to fight on behalf of the working class in all our diversity.
Without compromising these principles, we will work collegiately and collaboratively with other Labour Left groups through the CLGA, with the aim of ensuring united slates for internal Labour Party elections, and will strive for a positive, comradely campaign and maximum unity on the Left.

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