Hello comrades,
In this latest issue, we bring you:
- our candidates for key internal Labour elections
- news from across the movement
- the Leo Panitch Leadership Programme
- Macron’s coup

Standing Up for Democracy
After 14 years of austerity, privatisation and inequality – we’ve finally kicked the Tories out. The new Labour Government has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reshape Britain’s economy in favour of the many, rather than the interests of an established few.
But despite some advances, Keir Starmer has avoided making clear commitments on fiscal policy and instead warned of “tough choices” ahead of the Autumn budget, including ending winter fuel payments for pensioners.
Voters have been living with the impact of “tough choices” for the past 14 years. And over the summer, we saw a spate of Islamophobic and racist riots orchestrated by the far right, proving that a failure to bring in bold, transformative policies further emboldens divisive politics.
Furthermore the Labour Leadership shows no signs of dialling down its war on pluralism and dissenting voices within the Party. The decision to withdraw the whip from seven MPs for voting to scrap the 2-Child Benefit Cap – a position supported by the labour movement – demonstrated appalling authoritarianism. This coincides with rumours ahead of Labour Conference that Party members will be stripped of their right to vote in future leadership elections.
That’s why we need to support candidates with track records of standing up for democracy, opposing anti-democratic rule changes, and defending the rights of members in selections and policy. Under a Labour Government, it’s vital we have representatives who support these demands now more than ever.
So we’re backing the Grassroots 4 slate for re-election onto Labour’s NEC. You can watch their video above and also read their pitch to Party members in LabourList here. We’re also backing a number of candidates for Labour’s National Policy Forum across all regions, you can find out more here. These candidates are willing to stand up for real Labour values, from suspending arms sales to Israel to scrapping the heinous two-child benefit cap.
Ballots are now open. To find your ballot, search for the subject line ‘Your ballot – Labour Party elections’ in your inbox. Vote for the #GV4 to the NEC in the CLP section, the Centre Left Grassroots Alliance-backed candidates for the NPF and other Grassroots Voice candidates where you are eligible. Voting closes on Tuesday 17th September. Type your postcode into our preferencing tool to find out how to rank the #GV4 candidates standing in the CLP section. Let’s do this!

- Future Councillors’ Programme: There’s still time for Momentum members to apply for this year’s Future Councillors’ Programme. The programme was initially postponed due to the General Election, so online training courses will take place over the autumn instead. But hurry, the deadline to apply is Wednesday 11th September, 23:59! Apply today.
- End arms sales: The Government has announced a partial arms embargo on Israel – but it doesn’t go far enough. The UK must suspend ALL arms sales to Israel! Agree? Take action.
- Media: As always, we’ve been standing up for real Labour values in the press, from reacting to Labour’s decline in members to speaking out against Rachel Reeves’s proposals. We have been quoted in BBC News, LabourList and more!
- Labour Conference 2024: This year’s Labour Party Conference is just weeks away – and we want to hear from you! Will you let us know who your CLP nominated for Conference delegates this year? Fill in our form. Plus, see motions we’re putting forward to Conference, plus guidance on proposed rule changes, via our webpage here.
- Fire Brigades Union: Firefighters from across the country will be staging a rally and lobby in Westminster on 8th October, demanding the Government takes action against 14 years of austerity through public investment and workers’ rights. Find out more here.
- Far-right riots: We were appalled to see a surge in far-right violence over the summer. We’re continuing to put pressure on the Labour Government to stand against racism and express its solidarity with migrants across Britain. Watch our reel here.
- Scrap the cap: We stand in solidarity with the seven Labour MPs who were suspended and will continue to pressure the Government to scrap the heinous two-child benefit cap. You can write to your Labour MP on this issue using our lobbying tool here. You can also watch Zarah Sultana explain why she took a stand against child poverty here.
- End the genocide: The Palestine Solidarity Campaign is staging a ‘National March for Palestine’ from midday on Saturday 7 September to demand the Government ends its complicity in Israeli war crimes. Details here.
- Germany’s woes: The far-right has won a state election in Germany for the first time since the Second World War. This is what happens when a supposedly progressive government fails to deliver the transformative change voters are crying out for.
Leo Panitch Leadership Programme

We at Momentum have been busy training up the next generation of socialist organisers and leaders. We were thrilled to be joined by activists from up and down the country who took part in this year’s Leo Panitch Leadership Programme.
Our annual political education event allows activists to enhance their knowledge of political organising, gain the relevant skills needed to lead effective campaigns, as well as connect with other like-minded socialists.
The course takes place over two weekends, with the final weekend set to commence on the 7th-8th September. It’s always great to meet activists from across our movement. Together, we can build socialist strength for the long-term.

Macron’s Coup
Despite fears of a far-right win, the left-wing New Popular Front came first in the French Legislative Elections on a programme of economic transformation. Their political programme, heavily influenced by the main left-wing Party France Insoumise, includes commitments such as scrapping the 2023 French pension reform law, increasing public sector salaries and welfare benefits, raising the minimum wage and freezing the price of basic food items and energy.
This would be funded by reintroducing a wealth tax, cancelling many tax breaks for the wealthy, and raising income tax on the highest earners.
However, President Emmanuel Macron has refused to name the New Popular Front’s choice of Prime Minister, a move in contempt of the democratic decision of French voters. He is likely to appoint a figure who will continue his neoliberal policies. At the time of writing, protests have been called by French social organisations and France Insoumise has declared that they will initiate impeachment proceedings against Macron.
- You can find the minutes of our National Coordinating Group Meetings here.
We hope you enjoyed our latest issue. Any feedback you have and ideas for how to make the newsletter better are much appreciated.
Don’t hesitate to send us an email at [email protected] with your thoughts.
In solidarity,
Team Momentum

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