Application to be considered by Momentum to be CLGA-backed candidate in NCC elections
Following a rule change passed at this year’s Labour Party Conference, there will soon be elections for six additional CLP representatives to serve for approximately three years on the National Constitutional Committee (NCC). The Labour left will support six candidates for these positions via the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA). Please note that only candidates who meet the person specification will be considered.
Equalities and Diversity
Momentum is committed to applying its equal opportunities policy at all stages of the prioritisation of candidates and encourages applications from people of all backgrounds.
All candidates offered an interview will be asked whether they have any requirements to support them in attending the interview. Reasonable adjustments to the process will be made to ensure that no applicant is disadvantaged because of his/her disability.
Momentum aims to support candidates who are most suited to the particular position, but also to actively attract applicants from groups that we identify as being under-represented in Labour movement structures. This includes ensuring that left-wing representatives on the NCC are as representative as possible of the party’s membership, including women, BAME people, people from diverse regions, and from working-class backgrounds.
How to apply
Please note that only candidates with a minimum of five years of continuous party membership prior to 1/10/18 are eligible to stand. We will require evidence of this before making any final decisions on who to back, so please try to supply evidence with your application if possible, or soon thereafter if not. You can get proof of eligibility by taking a screenshot of your digital membership card on or by asking for confirmation of your length of continuous membership from [email protected], and forwarding their reply on to us.
To apply, please read the person specification and fill in the application form, as well as an equalities monitoring form (optional) before emailing them into [email protected] by noon on Saturday 6 October 2018.
Applicants will be chosen by an NCG panel, and may be asked for a follow-up interview with members of the panel. Successful applicants will then be promoted by Momentum to be candidates in discussions with the CLGA. Please note that because Momentum is only one out of a number of organisations which has input into the CLGA, gaining the support of Momentum does not guarantee getting the final support of the CLGA for these elections.