Leo Panitch Leadership Programme 2024

Last updated 29/05/2024

We’re thrilled  to announce the relaunch of our Leo Panitch Leadership Programme 2024 to train up the next generation of socialist organisers and leaders. The deadline for applications has now closed. 

Key information 

For this programme, you’ll get to focus on developing your organising and political education skills, and gain experience by working on a number of exciting campaigns and projects. You’ll learn from some of the best organisers and thinkers from across our movement, and network with like-minded activists who are ready to take the next steps with you.

It’s free to take part and you do not have to be a member of Momentum or the Labour Party to apply. The only requirements are availability for the outlined sessions and a commitment to organising for socialism from the ground up.


Key dates and locations:

Training will span two weekends – one in August and one in September – with one final day of sessions to be confirmed. The dates and location for both weekends will be:


Dates Location
Saturday 10th – Sunday 11th August London
Saturday 7th – Sunday 8th September London


We encourage people from across the country to apply and are able to subsidise travel and accommodation for the in-person weekends for those who require it.

How to apply:

To apply, just fill in our application form by midnight: Tuesday 28th May. You can also complete the application in video form and send that to us. There’s an option to attach a video file on the application form. 

Applicants will be notified if they are accepted onto the Programme by Friday 14th June.

We particularly welcome applications from people who are working class, BAME, LGBTQ+, disabled, and women, and we ask that you provide us with personal information to help facilitate this. We will also give greater preference to participants who have not already been on similar programmes (e.g. NEON’s Movement Builders, Unite Political School, Momentum’s Future Councillors Programme).

If you have any questions about the application process read our FAQ here or contact Sam at [email protected]

Alternatively, you can attend a Zoom call with our activist development team at 6pm on Tuesday 14th May to learn more about the programme and to ask questions. Register here.


  • Zoom drop-in session Tuesday 14th May. Register here 
  • Application deadline at midnight on Tuesday 28th May
  • Successful participants notified by Friday 14th June
  • Programme to start with in-person weekend on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th August and end with an in-person weekend on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th September


Please find frequently asked questions here