Last updated 13/03/2024
Thank you to everyone who attended Momentum’s first ever Members’ Convention on Sunday. Hundreds of our members took part, a testament to our enduring democratic, grassroots movement.
It’s clear we wouldn’t be able to do the work we do without the support from our members. But in such a tough political climate, we need that extra push to go further. So if you’re a Momentum member…will you up your subs to help us build socialist strength? If not, join us to have your say!
We can also reveal the full breakdown of results of the strategic priorities, campaigns and constitutional amendments. The constitutional amendments that passed will now go to an all-member ballot which members will be contacted about in due course. Please find a link to the Convention guide for more details on all the motions here.
All members were invited to attend the Members’ Convention. Tallies below represent the votes of members who attended.
Strategic Priorities
Keep the Red Flag Flying
YES – 160
NO – 4
Momentum Under A Starmer Government
YES – 156
NO – 6
Political Education
YES – 127
NO – 21
Progressive policy
YES – 80
NO – 62
Political Education OR Progressive Policy
After both motions on progressive policy and political education were approved, a subsequent ballot was held to decide which one was to be adopted. This is because both motions had significant capacity implications, with the CAC ruling that only one could practically be implemented. POLITICAL EDUCATION was therefore passed.
General Election Strategy
YES – 151
NO – 15
(Communications Workers’ Union FOR)
There were 3 options which were prioritised in the Priorities Ballot. As initially advertised, there was one priority campaign chosen for Momentum to agree. The NCG then agreed to evaluate the second-placed campaign, with a view to potentially taking it forward dependent on capacity and resources.
Attendees were asked to vote first for their first priority campaign. Once this was chosen, they were asked to vote for their next priority among the remaining two options. Below are the results.
1st vote round
Solidarity Campaign for Gaza and Palestine – 74
Campaign for Local Government Funding – 57
Tax the Rich and Rebuild for the NHS! – 15
(CWU FOR Local Government Funding)
2nd vote round
Campaign for Local Government Funding – 97
Tax the Rich and Rebuild for the NHS! – 36
(CWU FOR Local Government Funding)
Constitutional Amendments
Motions in this section required support both from members, and a majority of weighted votes cast by affiliated trade unions. As the CWU was the only union in attendance, motions required support from the CWU delegate to advance to an all-member ballot.
Expand Momentum Membership
YES – 67
NO – 138
This motion falls.
Amendment to Deputy Leader and Leader Endorsement
YES – 118
NO – 58
Deputy Leader and Leader Endorsement (as amended)
YES – 135
NO – 37
This motion passes.
Update Momentum’s Affiliate Criteria?
YES – 100
NO – 60
This motion passes.
While the Labour Leadership stifles members’ voices and erodes party democracy, we at Momentum are putting power back where it belongs – in the hands of our members. So, as part of our Refounding Momentum reforms, Momentum hosted our first ever members’ convention.
The convention took place online on Sunday 10th March 2024. In line with our constitution, all members were given the chance to debate and decide on campaigns and strategic priorities for the organisation, as well as the possibility of agreeing any constitutional amendments to go to a full-members’ vote.
As planned elections to Momentum’s National Coordinating Group this year have been postponed due to intense activity within Labour, the convention provided the opportunity for socialists up and down the country to come together, debate, discuss and chart the next steps for our movement. Please see below for more details on the process for members to introduce motions for debate, and when the prioritisation ballot for these motions will occur.
Priority Ballot
The priority ballot is now closed for Momentum members to vote on which motions are put up for debate at our upcoming Members’ Convention.
Members chose from a range campaigns and constitutional amendments to bring to the Convention, with three each bing prioritised overall. You can see the result and full breakdown of votes via our webpage here.
Date | Stage |
Thursday 1st February | Opening of motion submissions |
Sunday 18th February | Deadline for receipt of motions |
Monday 19th to Sunday 25th February | Compositing of motions by CAC |
Wednesday 28th February to Monday 4th March | Priority ballot |
Sunday 3rd March | Deadline to sign up to convention |
5th to 7th March | Amendments open |
Friday 8th March | Publication of Convention agenda |
Sunday 10th March | Convention takes place |
Motions process
The deadline to submit motions is now closed.
In line with the Momentum Constitution, and following the Refounding Momentum reforms, members were be able to decide and debate the big questions facing us as an organisation at the upcoming Convention, from what we campaign for to how we organise for socialism. The Momentum Convention Arrangements Committee will publish details of the exact arrangements closer to the time.
- Motions were divided into three categories: constitutional amendments, strategic priorities and campaigns
- All individual members, local groups and affiliates were able to submit up to one motion from each category
- The window for motions to be submitted was from the 1st February to the 18th February 2024
- Motions will be composited by the CAC, ahead of an all-member priority ballot end Feb/early March
You can find out more about what our guidelines and process for motions were here.