Last updated 08/06/2023

Do you believe in an organised socialist movement? Want to play a part in building our activist base? 

If so, join our new Momentum Organising Network live on Discord. It’s a space for our activists, role-holders and CLP contacts to come together, share tips on grassroots organising and develop their activist skills through resources and training. 

Whether that’s getting involved with solidarity campaigns or through organising initiatives within Labour, this new forum will harness and bolster our movement’s strengths by engaging activists directly in national campaigns.

Alongside our training programmes and Organising Roadshow, the new Organising Network is a key part of our plan to connect activists and help them get organised for a socialist future, as we build for the long term. 

Are you interested in joining? 

>Yes I am 


  • What happens when I join the space for the first time?

Once you have completed the sign-up form, a member of staff will send you a link to join the Discord.

When you arrive into the Discord, a member of the welcome team will be waiting to welcome you to the space and signpost you to the relevant channels, depending on what you’re hoping to get out of the space.

Maybe you might even be interested in joining the welcome team yourself and help get the space moving?

  • Who can join the Network?

The space is open to Momentum members or movement builders who have engaged in the organisation’s activities, such as:

  • CLP Key Contacts who have attended an Organising Call 
  • Graduates from Momentum’s political education programmes (Leo Panitch Leadership Programme, Future Councillors Programme*, Trade Union Day School, etc)
  • Momentum Group Roleholders

This is the same group of people that are being invited to Organising Calls, except for non-members.

*Note: FCP graduates that have been elected as Councillors may find the Momentum Councillor Network is more tailored to their needs.

  • Is the Network the right space for me?

If you are eligible to join the space (as per above criteria) and you would like to get involved in Momentum activities at a national level, are keen to share best practise tips and advice, or wish to hone a particular set of organising skills, the Network will be a good fit.