As well as campaigning for socialist policies and a Labour Government, Momentum members and Local Groups are active in their communities, supporting struggle and fighting for social justice, working closely with trade unions, anti-racist groups and civil society organisations. With the triple pressure of COVID-19, climate change and austerity, Momentum can’t afford to sit on the sidelines while our communities suffer.

If you aren’t yet a member of the Labour Party but want to get stuck in with this vital work or simply support the work we do in the Labour Party, then you can become a Momentum Movement Builder.

As a Momentum Movement Builder you can attend Local Group meetings, organise community campaigns, and participate in wider activities organised by a Local Group or Momentum nationally, such as our Eviction Resistance campaign or our climate justice organising.

You’ll also get access to our regular member political education bulletins, the Organiser and the Educator, and you’ll get to participate in political education events at the local and national level, meeting and working with like-minded socialists and people who want to change the world.

To be a Momentum Movement Builder you don’t need to be a member of the Labour Party; you only need to support our overall aim to work for the election of a socialist Labour government and be eligible for Labour Party membership.

Who can’t be a Momentum Movement Builder?

Individuals that support candidates from political parties other than Labour, or are a member of those parties, cannot be a Momentum Movement Builder. In Momentum we strongly believe that with its links to the labour movement and with its rich socialist tradition, a transformed and democratised Labour Party is our best chance of delivering meaningful change in government.

Momentum Movement Builders cannot hold a formal position within Momentum, vote in Momentum elections, or participate in decision-making relating to the Labour Party.
Individuals who believe they have been have unfairly expelled by the Labour Party and that want to participate as a Momentum Movement Builder can request a hearing from the organisation, where they will have the opportunity to prove that the reason for their expulsion was unjust and that their actions have not in any way contravened Momentum’s code of ethics. This will be done in consultation with the relevant Local Group.

Not a member of the Labour Party or Momentum, and want to sign up to become a Momentum Movement Builder? Click below.