NCC elections 2018
Following a rule change passed at this year’s Labour Party Conference, there are now elections for six additional CLP representatives to serve for approximately 3 years on the National Constitutional Committee (NCC).
The NCC is the highest body in Labour’s disciplinary procedures, handling the most serious cases and ensuring that the Labour rulebook is upheld in a fair and transparent manner. CLPs may nominate up to 6 candidates by Sunday, 28 October.
Following an open application process, Momentum’s NCG have decided to back the following candidates:
The Momentum-backed candidates – including two lawyers, an academic and a senior trade unionist – have the expertise and experience necessary to sit on the NCC. They also have a firm commitment to a member-led, socialist Labour Party and are from regions across the country – which is very important if we are to address the unrepresentative composition of the current NCC.
Please find more information about the candidates and how to nominate them in your CLP below.
How to nominate
- Conference delegates have voting rights – but secretaries are responsible for submitting details of the delegate vote.
- Local parties should arrange meetings to nominate their preferred six candidates and secretaries should ensure nominations are submitted at the latest 28 October.
- However, delegates who were elected to represent their CLP at Labour Conference will then need to agree which candidates to vote for in the actual ballot.
- The votes cast will carry proportional weight according to the size of the constituency’s Labour membership.
- Nominations will close on 28 October and the ballot to elect the new NCC representatives will open 12 November. The closing date for the ballot is 25 November.
Candidate Bios
Annabelle Harle – CLP: Cardiff West – Membership number: A002070
Annabelle has previously served as a Welsh Labour Executive Committee member, National Policy Forum member and CLP Secretary
Gary Heather – CLP: Islington North – Membership number: A006966
Gary is a Labour Councillor, has previously stood for Parliament and held positions including CLP Chair
Stephen Marks -CLP: Oxford East – Membership number: A241053
Stephen has previously served as a Labour County Councillor and held positions including Vice-chair of the District Labour Party
Khaled Moyeed – CLP: Tottenham – Membership number: L0128862
Khaleed is a Labour Councillor, who has held positions including CLP BAME Officer. He is Vice Chair of Young Labour Lawyers
Susan Press – CLP: Calder Valley CLP – Membership Number: L0017551
Susan is a lifelong Labour Left activist and Labour councillor for Todmorden in Calderdale She has previously been a CLP Chair and for years was the vice Chair of the Labour Representation Committee She is committed to improving members’ and the public’s trust in our disciplinary structures
Cecile Wright – CLP: Derby North – Membership number: A481680
Cecile is a former member of the TUC Race Relations Committee, has served on a Mental Health Trust, acted as a Trustee of the National Children’s Bureau and chaired a Women’s Refuge. She has held positions including CLP Vice-chair

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