NCG By-Elections & Referendum 2024

Last updated 23/05/2024



Due to the General Election, by-elections to Momentum’s National Coordinating Group (NCG) alongside the referendum on two constitutional amendments have been postponed.


Momentum members will be able to vote in by-elections to fill vacant spots on our National Coordinating Group, in the following regions: Welsh, South East and Northern, as well as for the role of Public Officer Holder. 

For members in these regions, this is your chance to decide who represents you on Momentum’s highest body, voting on key political issues and shaping the future of our movement. 

Furthermore, all Momentum members will be asked to approve or reject constitutional amendments on the organisation’s processes for endorsements for Labour Leader and Deputy Leader, and for affiliate criteria. 



  • 1 vacancy for Welsh NCG representative.  (all members in region vote, + WLG members) 
  • 1 vacancy for South East NCG representative (all members in region vote)
  • 1 vacancy for Northern NCG representative (all members in region vote)
  • 1 vacancy for Public Officer Holders (electoral college, 1/3 elected members, 2/3 elected public office holders.) Position must be filled by a BAME member.




  • Referendum on whether to approve the Deputy Leader and Leader endorsement rule change.
  • Referendum on whether to approve the extension of affiliate criteria rule change.


Friday 17th May Self-nominations open
Tuesday 21st May Self-nominations close
Thursday 23rd May Nominations open
Wednesday 29th May Nominations close
Friday 31st May Voting opens in by-elections and referendum
Sunday 2nd June Deadline to join Momentum and vote
Friday 7th June  Voting closes in by-elections and referendum



Candidates are required to gain a minimum of 20 nominations from Momentum members in their region.

You can find out more about our democratic procedures here.

You can find the role-holder description for the NCG here.