UPDATE: 06/11/2024
We are extending the deadline for submission of self-nomination forms to Friday 8 November, 12:00pm for candidates applying in regions where there are vacancies. The self nomination form can be found here.
Here are the remaining vacancies – along with minimum gender / BAME requirements – for each region and in the public office holder category:
- South East: 1 seat
- South West: 1 seat, which must be a woman and/or BAME
- Midlands: 2 seats, of which at least 1 BAME
- Northern: 1 seat
- Yorkshire, Northern Ireland and International: 1 seat
- Scotland: 1 seat, which must be a woman
- Wales: 1 seat
- Public Office Holders: 1 seat, which must be a woman
NCG Elections 2024
Last updated: 30/10/24
The Labour Government has not offered the policies required to fix the country after 14 years of Tory chaos. A transformed and democratised Labour Party is our best chance of delivering meaningful change.
To get organised for a socialist future, we will be holding elections to our National Coordinating Group, where our members can decide who will steer our organisation for the next two years. This will not only affect the future of Momentum but the future of Labour. At the end of November, twenty-six members from across the country, and three Public Office Holders, will be elected to our NCG to lead our organisation through this critical moment. Following our Members’ Convention in March, there will also be all-members’ referenda on:
- Updating our criteria for Momentum affiliates
- Endorsements of candidates for Labour Leader & Deputy Labour Leader
You must be both a Labour Party member and Momentum member to take part. If you’re not a Momentum member but want to vote, join us today or before 23:59 on Friday 22nd November to have your say.
Please see more about democratic procedures for this year’s NCG elections here.
Find out more about the role of the National Coordinating Group here.
Self Nominations
You can now put yourself forward as a candidate to sit on our organisation’s highest body. You must be a Momentum member and Labour Party member to nominate yourself.
- 23rd October: Announcement of elections
- 30th October: Self-nomination period opens
- 6th November, midday: Self-nomination period closes
- 8th November: Nomination period opens
- 15th November, midday: Nomination period closes
- 20th November: Voting opens in NCG elections and all-members’ referenda
- 22nd November, 23:59: cutoff date for new members to join Momentum and vote
- 29th November, midday: Voting closes
STV with diversity quotas: how it will work
Below you can find the number of seats up for election in each of the reformed regions, as well as the distribution of reserved seats in order to elect at least 13/26 must be women or people of other marginalised genders who do not identify as men and 6/26 BAME members.
- London & Eastern: 6 seats, of which at least 3 women and 2 BAME
- South East: 3 seats, of which at least 2 women
- South West: 3 seats, of which at 1 woman and 1 BAME
- Midlands: 4 seats, of which at least 2 women and 1 BAME
- Northern: 5 seats, of which at least 3 women and 1 BAME
- Yorkshire, Northern Ireland and International: 3 seats, of which at least 1 woman and 1 BAME
- Scotland: 1 seat, which must be a woman
- Wales: 1 seat, unreserved
Please note that for regions that elect odd numbers of seats, the distribution of reserved seats will alternate from one election cycle to the next. For more details, see here.
Please also note that in addition to the directed elected seats, Scotland and Wales are additionally represented on the NCG via our affiliated organisations Campaign for Socialism and Welsh Labour Grassroots, giving them 2 seats each in total.
Public Office Holder seats
There will also be an election for the Public Office Holder places on the NCG, which all members will now get to vote in. The electoral college for these places is now 2/3 members that are Labour members of the UK, Scottish or Welsh Parliaments, London Assemblies, Elected Mayors or Police Commissioners, or Labour members of a British local authority (‘public office holders’); and 1/3 all other members. One of these four seats is now reserved for the Socialist Campaign Group, and across the four seats two must be occupied by members who identify as women or people of other marginalised genders who do not identify as men, and one of whom as BAME.
There is no nomination threshold or process for public office holders – this election proceeds straight to a ballot
If you are an elected Labour representative, please let us know before 22nd November by filling out our form here.
Haven’t received a ballot?
Nomination ballots will be emailed on the 8th of November and election ballots on the 20th. If you don’t receive an email, then you can visit our webpage here to request one and we will see if you’re eligible.

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