As part of Momentum’s commitment to transparency, the Political Coordinator will present to the NCG a monthly report of staff activity, which will then be published online, along with an Action Report from that month’s NCG. Regular minutes will still be published as usual.

Report from the Political Coordinator: December/January 2021

Staff activity for the following teams has included:

Political Coordinator

• General team management.
• Stakeholder engagement with MPs and campaign organisations.
• Advising and supporting the Co-Chairs and NCG members.
• Providing coordination support for the launch of the Policy Primary.
• Working with the Co-Chairs to develop proposals for a Momentum Trade Unionists Network.
• Working with NCG members to develop plans for Phase 2 of Refounding Momentum.
• Working closely with the Operations Team to develop and implement a support service for suspended Labour Party members.

Organising and Campaigns

• Preparing the launch of the Policy Primary, a new participatory process that will enable every Momentum member to have their say in the policies Momentum campaigns for at Labour Party Conference 2021. Launched on Tuesday 19th January. This project has also involved significant involvement from the Digital and Communications teams.
• Developing the Leadership Development Programme, including a detailed timeline with session outlines (expected to be complete within 1-2 months), building towards a launch post-lockdown.
• Finalising the first phase of the Future Councillors’ Programme (FCP), with an upcoming public speaking session, as well as an evaluation session, and putting in place plans for phase 2 of FCP.
• Continuing to oversee Refounding Momentum meetings and local group meetings, as well as planning and contributing to the implementation of the national Refounding Momentum call held on Monday 11th January.
• Re-configuring the campaign strategy for the Eviction Resistance Campaign to create a new 6 month plan, with an end point for the campaign. Following a meeting with Action Group Leads on Tuesday January 12th, the campaign is on track to organise actions across the next 2-3 months, unless Covid restrictions cause further disruption.
• Conducting a number of successful conversations with leaders in the Democratic Socialists of America, along with NCG members, focusing on what lessons we could learn from their organisation that would work in a UK context.
• Finishing the trial of Call-Hub, which allows groups to easily and effectively call local members, using Momentum’s database. Usage and feedback from the Groups involved has been positive. A report outlining the outcomes of the trial has gone to the Officers Group.
• Continuing to onboard new Groups and DPAs with expanded data access. A new round of training to further increase the number of Groups with increased data access will take place this month.

In Communications

• Working on the messaging and communications launch for the Policy Primary, and preparing relevant all-member communications and social media messaging.
• Responding publicly to a range of issues, such as successful organising by the NEU, speeches by Keir Starmer and Anneliese Dodds, the Barnoldswick victory, Napier Barracks protests, the school meals-outsourcing scandal.
• Directing a fundraising campaign, framed in response to the launch of GB News.
• Launching the January issue of the ‘Organiser’, a space for members and the wider movement to update on their campaigns.
• Conducting initial discussions for a new political education bulletin for members, ‘The Educator’, to run alongside the Organiser, with a focus on strategic thinking and socialist theory.
• Working with the Political Coordinator and the Co-Chairs to co-produce and publish op-eds on the future of the left (Morning Star) and on the need for a bold policy vision (LabourList).

In Digital Media

• Creating video and graphic content on Islamophobia, the suspensions of Labour Party members, in support of teachers, on free school meals and on the Government’s Covid-19 failures. On the day of the school meals-outsourcing scandal, Momentum’s digital content generated 20k+ shares on Facebook alone.

Action report from NCG

1. Co-chairs Report

• The Co-Chairs reported back on the resignation of Richard Leonard and developments in Scottish Labour, the suspensions service and the development of Momentum’s upcoming long-term strategy.

2. COVID working group update

• COVID Working Group set up to address issues and campaigns relating to government failures. The WG will also encourage local groups to campaign on related issues.

3. Membership Working Group report

• The second half of the Refounding Momentum process is being prepared, and will include discussion of Momentum’s structures
• Discussions around the revitalisation of MyMomentum
• Policy Primary launching 19/01

4. Campaigns Working Group report

• Work ongoing with the housing campaign
• The volunteer research team has been doing great work researching for the campaign, including on renters rights

5. Proposal for a Momentum Trade Unionists Network

• The NCG passed a proposal to create a network of identified Momentum TU members, subject to further discussion and planning
• Emphasis on trade union rights and targeting young workers

6. Suspensions Campaign update

• Momentum is continuing to support wrongly suspended members through the advice service and will amplify the service through our social media channels.

7. Local Government Working Group

• The Future Councillor Programme is coming to a conclusion and has been a success
• Local Government Working Group is looking at developing a political education programme for future councillors

8. Policy Primary Working Group

• The Policy Primary was launched 19/01
• The Policy Primary Working Group was formed, with several NCG members expressing interest. This working group will help streamline the motions received through the primary process and ensure any motions received share Momentum’s values.

9. Rule Changes Working Group

• A Rule Changes Working Group was formed. This working group will develop a shortlist for rule changes, which will be proposed to the full NCG.
• Several NCG members expressed interest in the working group.

10. CAC Election 2021 CLP Section

• The NCG have endorsed the incumbent candidates for the CLP seats on the Conference Arrangements Committee.