Note: This page was for the 2023 Future Councillors’ Programme. To apply for the 2024 programme, please see webpage here.  

On the 4th May, socialists made major strides in the local elections, as bold, left-wing Labour councils from Broxtowe to Worthing won on transformative programmes of democratic ownership and public investment. 

On the back of these gains, we are relaunching our Future Councillors’ Programme to support activists who want to be a part of the next generation. 

How to Apply?

Please apply by filling in the application form below by Monday 29th May, 11:59pm:

We intend to respond to applicants within a week of this deadline. We will endeavour to include as many applicants who meet the criteria specified below as possible. We will carry out checks where necessary including talking with local activists and social media searches in order to make sure that applicants meet the criteria above.

Timeline of events

The first in a series of seven online sessions for the programme will be held on Monday 19th June, with the last being on Monday 31st July. So please make sure you are available for as many of these as possible.

Programme content

The training programme will include:

  • An overview of what it means to be a socialist councillor and discussion of what the challenges and expectations are. 
  • Procedural and political support to prepare you for the selection process. 
  • Training in key organising skills like power-mapping, social media use, and building winning coalitions.
  • Practical skills like application drafting, speech-writing and public speaking.
  • All participants who complete the course and successfully get selected and elected as councillors will then be invited into our Councillor’s Network.

Join the Future Councillors’ Programme and access:

  • Briefings on what it means to be a socialist councillor and discussions on the challenges and expectations of the role.
  • Coaching through the selection process and support running a good campaign.
  • A supportive network of prospective socialist councillors and acting councillors who you can turn for for advice and support.
  • If you’re elected, an invite to Momentum’s Councillor’s Network.


Criteria for entry
  • Commitment to promoting socialism and increasing democracy in local government, and supporting community campaigns that empower working class people.
  • Demonstrable commitment to and support for Momentum and our objectives in the Labour Party, Parliament and society.
  • We specifically encourage applications from people from underrepresented backgrounds, including working class people, women, people of colour, LGBT+ people, and disabled people. We will take measures to ensure applicants are from diverse backgrounds. Please note that there are strict rules around quotas and All Women Shortlists in different wards, so we will take this into consideration.
  • Experience of representing and defending the interests of exploited and underrepresented groups in society.
  • Formally eligible to stand as a Councillor in the relevant local government area (see below for eligibility criteria).
  • Must have a credible chance of being selected, either due to being an active Labour Party member, trade unionist, community activist, or person from a community underrepresented on the council where the applicant intends to stand.
  • Commitment to completing the course, and to attending all key training.
Formal Labour Party Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible, candidates must be a) British or a citizen of the Commonwealth or European Union; b) At least 18 years old; c) Registered to vote in the area or have lived, worked or owned property there for at least 12 months before the relevant election, d) to have paid the Party membership contribution at the appropriate rate and have at least 12 months’ continuous national individual membership of the Party in the electoral area concerned at the date of nomination; e) be a member of a trade union affiliated to the Trade Union Congress or considered by the NEC as a bona fide trade union and contribute to the political fund of
that union; f) Not work for the council you want to be a councillor for, or for another local authority in a political restricted post (but you can work for another local authority in a non politically restricted post); g) not be the subject of a bankruptcy restrictions order or interim order; h) not have been sentenced to prison for three months or more (including suspended sentences) during the 5 years before election day; i) not have been convicted of a corrupt or illegal practice by an election court.

Please note: Momentum has not endorsed candidates for local elections in the past, and being accepted onto the training program is not a guarantee of endorsement or support by local Momentum or other left groups in selection procedures.




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