Labour Party Conference 2018

Check out the updated Momentum and CPLD Conference Guide here.

Labour Party Conference is the sovereign body in the Party’s policy-making process, where delegates come together to discuss and decide rule changes and policies. Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs) elect their delegates to the Labour Party Conference any time between January and June.

The 2017 Labour Party Conference in Brighton was historic, with over 1200 delegates debating and voting on key party issues. This year’s Conference in Liverpool will be even bigger and more important, as delegates will have the chance to debate and vote on the Democracy Review, which will cover a number of crucial issues.

Momentum will organise to ensure that the Party adopts far-reaching changes to give members a stronger voice in the Party, but for that we need your help.

Please complete this quick survey to help Momentum organise at this year’s Party Conference.

Delegate entitlements

CLPs are entitled to one delegate for the first 749 full members and a further delegate for every additional 250 individual members. At least every second delegate from a CLP has to be a woman, and where only one delegate is appointed this must be a woman at least every second year. In CLPs where there are 100 or more women members, an additional woman delegate may be appointed. In CLPs where there are 30 or more young members, an additional delegate under the age of 27 may be appointed.

CLPs do not have to appoint their full delegate entitlement, although they do have the option of crowdfunding to finance additional delegates. However, the number of delegates sent does not affect CLPs voting weight. Therefore, focus should be on ensuring that CLP delegates support policies to transform Britain, and thus reflect the views of Labour’s membership, rather than increasing the overall number of delegates.

Women’s Conference

Women’s Conference will be held on Saturday the 22nd of September, and each CLP can send 1 self-defining female delegate.

CLP’s and affiliated organisations can submit motions to Women’s Conference (deadline is Friday, 29th June). The motions will be grouped by topic and a Priorities Ballot will be conducted amongst delegates prior to the Women’s Conference between August 6th and August 31st. 4 topics will be debated in total, 2 chosen by the CLP’s and 2 chosen by the affiliates. Followed debate and voting at the Women’s Conference, 1 motion will be forwarded to the Party’s Annual Conference agenda.

Women’s Conference 2018 will be constituted as follows:

  • 1 delegate appointed by each CLP
  • Delegates appointed by affiliated organisations on the basis of 1 delegate per 10,000 members or part thereof. Up to a maximum of 25 delegates per affiliate.
  • 2 delegates from the Association of Labour Councillors
  • 2 delegates appointed by Young Labour

National Constitutional Committee

This year, delegates to Conference will be able to vote for one CLP representative on the National Constitutional Committee (NCC), a key committee that decides over disciplinary matters in the Labour Party. Momentum, Campaign for Labour Party Democracy,  Labour Assembly Against Austerity (LAAA), Labour Briefing Co-op, and Labour Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (LCND) are supporting Daniel Blaney (West Ham CLP, A885633). CLPs are currently making nominations for the NCC (deadline June 22nd).

If you have any questions please get in touch with us at [email protected]

Rule Changes for 2019 Conference

CLPs can submit rule changes t be on the agenda for the 2019 Party conference. Click here to see some suggested rule changes activists may like to consider submitting.

Promoted by Jeremy for Labour Ltd and Momentum,
both of Cannon Wharf Pell Street Surrey Quays, London SE8 5EN Floor 3, Room C303

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