South East Regional Executive Committee Elections, 2021


Who is currently on the South East Regional Executive Committee?

Details of the representatives on the SE REC can be found on the South East Labour Party webpage here.

How do I know what the current Momentum-backed representatives on the SE REC are doing?

All Momentum-backed representatives on the SE REC are committed to accountability and transparency, and therefore have made great efforts to diligently report back following meetings. Their reports can be found here. For further questions for Momentum, please write to us at [email protected].

What will the composition of the REC be for the elections?

Currently the region is organised into five sub-regions, from which two CLP representatives were elected at the 2018 SE Regional Conference: Berkshire and Surrey, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire, Hampshire and Isle of Wight, Kent, and Sussex. However, the changes to REC standing orders mean that an additional seven CLP positions will be elected this year, as well as positions for a BAME representative, women’s representative, LGBT representative, and disabled representative (in addition to the existing Young Labour rep). The numbers of trade union positions will also increase from 8 to 14. The current REC decided how the sub-region boundaries shall be changed to accommodate the expanded number of CLP representatives at the REC meeting in Feb 2021.

How will SE REC CLP representatives be elected?

South East CLP REC representatives will be elected at the regional Conference, due to take place on 20th – 21st November 2021. The CLP reps will be elected by delegates from CLPs within the respective sub-regions. The voting weights of CLPs and affiliates to the conference should mirror Annual Conference, and the number of delegates permitted should be relative to the size of the nominating Party unit. CLPs will be expected to elect delegates to the Regional Conference, and nominate candidates in the months prior to the Regional Conference.

Meanwhile the Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected by delegates to regional Conference from amongst the membership of this REC. At least one of the chair or vice positions shall be a woman with at least 50% of all other officer positions being held by a woman. No chair or vice chair should serve in that position for more than one term.

What else does the SE Regional Conference do?

In addition to electing the REC and Chair and Vice-Chair, the Conference can also approve policy motions, but the existing policymaking mechanisms in the Party do not offer a clear process for those motions to influence policy. It will also elect the Conference Arrangements Committee to oversee the following Conference in 2022 approximately (see below).

Who oversees the Regional Conference?

The regional conference shall be overseen by a Regional Conference Arrangements Committee (RCAC) of no fewer than three people who will set the priorities for the conference and oversee its organisation. For this year’s Conference, the RCAC will be elected by and from the existing REC. Thereafter, the Regional Conference Arrangements Committee for each Conference shall be elected by delegates to the previous Regional Conference. In effect, this year’s Conference will elect the RCAC for the next one.

How will Momentum decide who stands on the left slate for the REC (previously Regional Board)?

Momentum will attempt to build a slate which is fully capable of effectively representing the members of the South East and transforming the regional Labour Party. In order to decide who we will support, we would like to invite any members who wish to represent members on the Regional Board to apply. Interviews will be conducted in Spring/early Summer by a panel representing Momentum’s National Coordinating Group. Applicants will be chosen on the basis of who best meets the person specification, as well as ensuring the final slate is as representative of the diversity of the South East as possible. Candidates previously supported by Momentum who currently sit on the REC and who have proven themselves to be effective and committed CLP representatives are likely to be favoured, but there will nonetheless be vacancies in a number of sub-regions due to people standing down and the additional CLP representatives following the new standing orders.

How do Momentum members apply to be on the slate?

Before applying, please read this explainer and the one on RECs, as well as the Regional Executive Committee standing orders (p84 of CAC 1 from the 2019 Conference), and the person specification for applicants. You may also wish to consult fellow Momentum and Labour Party members before doing so. People can apply by completing an online application form. Alternatively you can download a word version and send it to [email protected] with the subject line ‘South East Regional Board Slate Application’. The deadline for applications is 12pm (midday) on Thursday 9th September.


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