Labour party members deserve a deciding say in how our Party is run. This is not only an issue of basic democratic principle – the political reality is that only an open, member-led Party will have the energy and ideas needed to elect a Labour Government. Member-led democracy is the most principled and practical way for our Party to operate.
But over the last few months Party democracy has been under attack. We have seen a widespread crackdown on the right of members to debate and discuss the ideas that will shape the future of our movement and country. Now, a significant number of Labour members have been suspended simply for exercising that right to debate in a safe and tolerant manner.
Momentum stands behind all of our members who have been unjustly suspended in this way.
That’s why we’ve now set up a support unit run by legal advisors to provide free advice to members who’ve been recently suspended or otherwise facing disciplinary proceedings for expressing support for Jeremy Corbyn or for challenging the heavy-handed prohibition of free speech in Constituency Labour Parties.
This support is available to all Momentum members. If you have been suspended in the above circumstances, then fill in this form and the team will make a quick assessment on whether they can help and respond to you as soon as possible.
Please note Momentum will not provide support to those who have engaged in behaviour we consider to be racist, oppressive or in any way contrary to Momentum’s code of ethics.