Labour Conference 2021
This year’s Labour Party conference will be defined by the conflict between the party establishment and the socialist majority amongst the membership. Whilst they will want to oppose transformative motions and change the party’s rules to undermine the influence of members, we will push to adopt a policy programme that meets the scale of the crisis and to make the party bureaucracy accountable to the membership.
At a time when the party lacks a clear vision, members will propose the big ideas that can allow us to break open politics as usual and become the party that represents the vast majority of British people.
Policy Primary
Right now, members are deciding what policies Momentum will support at conference through our first ever democratic policy primary process. Grassroots activists will have the final say on how the dividing lines are drawn at this year’s conference.
The Policy Primary has three stages: first, local groups and campaigning organisations to submit motions; then a working group of the elected National Coordinating Group composites these motions into a shortlist; then a members’ ballot to decide which motions to prioritise at conference.
But a great platform of socialist policy means nothing unless we have the delegates required to pass those motions. That’s why it’s so important that Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs) send delegates which represent the views of the membership and will vote for socialist policy. CLPs select their delegates to the Labour Party Conference any time between January and midday on Friday June 11th.
All CLPs are entitled to one delegate for the first 749 full members and a further delegate for every additional 250 individual members. At least every second delegate from a CLP has to be a woman, and where only one delegate is appointed this must be a woman at least every second year. In CLPs where there are 100 or more women members, an additional woman delegate may be appointed. In CLPs where there are 30 or more young members, an additional delegate under the age of 27 may be appointed. To be eligible for nomination, delegates must have joined the Labour Party on or before 11 Dec 2020.
CLPs do not have to appoint their full delegate entitlement, although they do have the option of crowdfunding to finance additional delegates. CLPs have until June 11th to submit information of the delegates they are sending to Conference.
Submitting policy motions and rule changes to conference
CLPs can submit either one motion or a rule change. CLPs that decide to submit a motion rather than a rule change can submit their motion from anytime up until 5pm on Monday 13 September 2021 to submit nominations (appeals for motions ruled out of order by the CAC will be on Monday 20 September 2021, and the deadline for emergency motions, covering issues which occur after the 13th, is 12 noon on Thursday 23 September 2021). In addition, as many as ten motions from the CLP section can be debated at Conference, as well as ten motions supported by affiliates.
On rule changes, the major task will be opposing attempts by the Party establishment to undermine the democratic say of members. But Momentum will also be supporting progressive changes, like the democratic election of the General Secretary. Momentum will be developing this and other rule changes between January and May. The process for members to input into this process is here and members can suggest rule changes here. The closing date for CLPs to submit rule changes to conference midday on Thursday 23 September 2021.
Conference Arrangements Committee (CAC)
Elections for the two members’ representatives on the CAC will take place this Summer, via a One Member One Vote ballot of party members. The CAC oversees the agenda and running of Conference, and is an 8-person committee included 5 General Section representatives (also elected this year, voted for by trade union and CLP delegates), and 1 disabled representative (also voted for by trade union and CLP delegates, to be elected next year).
Momentum are supporting Seema Chandwani (Tottenham CLP, L1187007, and Billy Hayes (Mitcham and Morden CLP, A065571) in the CLP section.
National Constitutional Committee (NCC)
The NCC oversees the disciplinary process within the party, determining cases put to them by the NEC. This important committee is made up of 25 members in total split into three sections. This year four members of the CLP section are to be elected. CLPs have until midday on Friday June 11th to submit nominations.
Information on who Momentum is supporting in the CLP section will be published shortly.