Code of Ethics
Individuals and groups using the Momentum name and branding must operate according to the following principles at all times:
- As the successor to Jeremy Corbyn’s Leadership Campaign, Momentum promotes the values that Jeremy popularised during the campaign, of fair, honest debate focused on policies, not personal attacks or harassment.
- Momentum seeks to build positive relationships with Constituency Labour Parties, trade unions and other Labour movement or campaigning organisations that share its aims and principles.
- Momentum seeks to reach out across the community and encourages the participation of people who may not have been involved in political activities before. Ensuring the safety and self expression of everyone is a priority, especially of those who are often marginalised on the basis of their gender, sexuality, ethnicity, race, religion, class, disability and educational or economic status.
- Groups of individuals may form local Momentum Groups to share ideas, organise and participate in activities at their local level, which demonstrate how ‘socialist values’ and collective effort can make a positive social and/or environmental impact. These groups must be democratic in their nature and be organised around a spirit of collaboration, inclusion and respect.
- As the successor to Jeremy Corbyn’s Leadership Campaign, Momentum promotes the communication of progressive ideas for political change, such as:
- Opposition to austerity and privatisation,
- The promotion of equality and participatory democracy,
- Strong collective bargaining to stamp out workplace injustice,
- A big housebuilding programme and rent controls,
- Action on climate change,
- No more illegal wars, replacing Trident not with a new generation of nuclear weapons but jobs that retain the communities’ skills,v
- Public ownership of railways and in the energy sector,
- An end to scapegoating of migrants.
These are the policies for which Jeremy Corbyn was elected.
- Momentum is wholly committed to working for progressive political change through methods which are democratic, inclusive and participatory.
- Momentum seeks to build a social movement in support of the aims of the Labour movement and a fairer and more decent society.
- Momentum is committed to supporting the Labour Party winning elections and entering government in 2020 and seeks positive and productive engagement with Constituency Labour Parties and trade unions.
Failure to abide by this code of ethics may result in suspension or permanent exclusion from Momentum meetings, online groups and/or membership.

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All Rights Reserved