Company Structures
Momentum is an unincorporated association of individual members. It uses two incorporated companies in order to help manage its operations, Momentum Campaign (Services) Ltd (“the service company”) and Jeremy for Labour Ltd (“the data company”), both of which have operated under different names in the past. These companies were set up at the beginning of Jeremy Corbyn’s first leadership election and thus predate the establishment of Momentum.
Jeremy for Labour Ltd, the data company, is the registered data controller of data collected during both of Jeremy’s leadership campaigns, through Momentum’s website and during its campaigns. The company was originally incorporated at the very beginning of Jeremy Corbyn’s 2015 leadership bid to collect and manage the data collected during that election and in order to maximise the retention of data for use after the leadership campaign to benefit the movement which would arise from it. The company performed the same function during Jeremy’s 2016 campaign.
In order to maximise the retention of data for use after the leadership campaign, the data that was collected during the campaigns cannot be shared with any organisation, including Momentum. However, the privacy policy does permit Jeremy for Labour Ltd to inform people of campaigns and activities linked to Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign aims, such as the activities of Momentum which grew out of Jeremy’s leadership bid and shares its aims and values. Permission to retain the vast majority of records on Jeremy for Labour Ltd’s database, of which there are hundreds of thousands, was given to Jeremy for Labour Ltd during the two leadership campaigns on the understanding that they would be processed in this way, and would never be shared with another organisation.
A second company, Momentum Campaign (Services) Ltd, the service company, undertakes a number of services for Momentum. First and foremost, it acts as an employer for Momentum’s staff and acts as the legal entity that performs various functions for Momentum which Momentum does not have sufficient legal personality to undertake on its own. Such a structure is widely used in the third sector by unincorporated associations like Momentum. Momentum Campaign (Services) Ltd was originally set up at the very beginning of Jeremy’s 2015 leadership campaign and performed the same functions for that campaign and for Jeremy’s 2016 leadership campaign that it currently performs for Momentum.

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