by Liam Barrett | Mar 30, 2023 | Building the Movement
Organising Roadshow Last updated 19/04/2023 Ahead of May’s local elections, we’re planning an Organising Roadshow alongside Socialist Campaign Group MPs. From Worthing to Wandsworth to Preston, socialists are making transformative change through local...
by Momentum | Apr 15, 2021 | Building the Movement, Transforming Labour
THE LEO PANITCH LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME 2022 Are you ready to take the step up and become a socialist leader today? Momentum is running our yearly Leo Panitch Leadership Programme to help recruit and train the next generation of socialist leaders. Up to 40 people...
by Momentum | Apr 4, 2020 | Building the Movement
THE FUTURE OF OUR MOVEMENT: A STATEMENT FROM MOMENTUM’S NCG Momentum congratulates Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner on their election as Leader and Deputy Leader of the Labour Party. We look forward to working with them to ensure the election of a...
by Momentum | Jan 8, 2019 | Building the Movement
The Organiser Subscribe to The Organiser – a monthly email briefing detailing what’s going on in Momentum both nationally and locally. The Organiser will let you know what’s happening at every level of our movement, how you can get involved, who to...
by Momentum | Dec 9, 2018 | Building the Movement
BAME Training Any truly socialist movement must have the values of anti-racism, anti-imperialism and internationalism at its core, and Momentum is committed to just that. But it must also be representative of its members, including the estimated 90,000 BAME members in...
by Momentum | Mar 27, 2018 | Building the Movement
Creative Network Creative Network During the General Election, 1 in 3 Facebook users in the UK watched one of Momentum’s videos. Since then, we’re continuing to build our social media presence, and have launched a creative network for people with video or other...