Interested in standing on a united left NEC slate?  If so, we want to hear from you!

Upcoming elections for Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC) are a huge opportunity for the left to win back power in the party. The NEC makes big decisions on behalf of the party – and if the left can unite, we have the numbers to win.

If you think you might make a good candidate for a united left NEC slate then we want to hear from you! Here’s what you need to know:

Who should apply? Being an NEC representative calls for certain skills and experience – have a read through our person specification here.

How to apply for Momentum backing to stand as an NEC candidate on the united left slate: Fill out this application form and email it to [email protected] before 6pm, Saturday 4 July.

Deadline: Due to the speed of these elections, you have until 6pm on Saturday 4 July to apply to be one of Momentum’s proposed candidates for the united left slate.

How will candidates be selected? Our newly elected National Coordinating Group will announce selection procedures asap.

We ask candidates considering standing to wait until a left slate has been agreed before submitting their candidacy into Labour’s online platform.

Full election timetable:

  • 6pm, Saturday 4 July: Deadline for applications to stand as a Momentum-backed candidate.
  • Noon, Friday 10 July: Deadline for candidate statements to be submitted to the Labour Party’s ‘candidate portal’.
  • Saturday 11 July: CLP, trade union, Labour group and individual young members’ nominations open.
  • Midnight, Sunday 27 September: Deadline for CLP, trade union and Labour group nominations.
  • Monday 19 October: Ballots begin to be dispatched.
  • Noon, Thursday 12 November: Voting closes.
  • Friday 13 November: Results announced.  

This is a crucial election. With a successful, strong united left slate we can build power in the party and push the leadership to adopt a Green New Deal, support Black Lives Matter and lay out a bold post-pandemic programme.

If you could push forward this vital work on the NEC, then make sure you get your application in before 6pm on Saturday 4th July!