Policies From The Many,

For The Many

Last updated 09/05/2023

Now that they’ve been agreed by our elected National Coordinating Group, we’re excited to announce the policies we’re endorsing for Labour Conference this year. 

Sourced from members and campaigners, these motions represent the very best of our movement, demonstrating the energy and ideas on the Left. 

From public ownership to wealth taxes, higher wages to a National Care Service, these policies enjoy huge support across our movement and amongst the public. What’s more, they are crucial to dealing with the crises facing Britain. 

Rule changes

In addition to our policy motions, we asked our members/campaigners to submit rule changes to us. Please note that rule changes must be submitted to CLPs by the 23rd June and will be debated at Conference 2024. You can see the rule changes we’re backing below:

You can let us know which motion/rule change your CLP will be prioritising by filling out the survey below:

Here’s how it worked:

All Momentum members, local groups and campaigners (both affiliated and unaffiliated) were welcome to submit motions/rule changes. Momentum’s National Coordinating Group then went through each one to ensure they’re consistent with our values and objectives.  

Campaigning groups affiliated/unaffiliated to Momentum were able to submit up to 3 motions and 1 rule change to their AMM meeting. 

Individual Momentum members were able to submit 1 motion OR 1 rule change.


Motions/rule changes can be submitted From 23 March
Deadline to submit 16 April 
Momentum’s NCG reviews the policies submitted Mid-Late April 
Announcement of policies 9 May 


Why no policy primary?

This year, Momentum is adopting a new approach to policy at Conference.

Instead of a primary, we asked our members and campaigners across the movement to put forward motions. These are being agreed by our elected NCG, after which we will distribute a wide array of these motions for activists to pass in CLPs. 

At Conference 2022, we did not have the numbers for our preferred topics to be passed through the priority ballot. That means there’s nothing to be gained by limiting the number of policies we support in advance of Conference, and so no reason for a vote. 

But we want this process to be movement-led – that’s why we’re asking our members and supporters for your ideas! 

This webpage covers motions and rule changes only. For more information on internal Labour Party ballots and elections, please see our webpage here