by Momentum | Aug 18, 2020 | Transforming Labour
Building a socialist youth movement Students took to the streets and forced the government to u-turn on their decision to rob a generation of their futures. The Tories’ A-Level algorithm was not about government incompetence, as many politicians have claimed....
by Momentum | Mar 27, 2020 | Transforming Labour
MOMENTUM’S COUNCILLOR NETWORK AND CORONAVIRUS Labour councillors must be leaders in combating coronavirus. With frontline experience of supporting vulnerable groups, links across communities and power in local government, they are uniquely placed to help in...
by tyrone nicholas | Mar 2, 2020 | Transforming Labour
Regional Executive Committees Momentum is currently taking applications for our slate for two regional executive comittees: South East Regional Executive Committee East Midlands Regional Executive Committee Please click the links above if you would like to...
by Momentum | Dec 12, 2018 | Transforming Labour
Labour Party Committee Reports Reports from Momentum members and others from Labour Committees National Executive Committee (NEC) Ellen Morrison and Mish Rahman – Representing Disabled Members on the NEC (May 2021) See the written transcript here!...
by Momentum | Apr 12, 2018 | Transforming Labour
Labour’s NEC 2018 Campaign Constituency Labour Parties currently have the chance to nominate nine representatives for Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC). Momentum are supporting the following candidates, all of whom working to secure the election of a...
by Momentum | Mar 6, 2018 | Transforming Labour, Uncategorized
National Policy Forum 2022 Constituency Labour Parties currently have the chance to nominate representatives to serve for approximately two years on the National Policy Forum (NPF). The NPF is the Labour Party’s rolling policymaking institution. It has 55...