Economy for the many

We’re building an economy for the many Labour’s economic plans are bold, transformative and affordable. We know that austerity is not an economic necessity. It’s a political choice, imposed on us by the Tories and their rich mates. Labour will rebuild our economy for...

Housing for the many

Housing for the many Labour will deliver a social housing revolution for the biggest council and social housing programme in decades: more than 100,000 new council and social homes a year – six times current output. Labour will bring the cost of housing down and...


Brexit Labour will give the people the final say on Brexit. Within three months of coming to power, a Labour government will secure a decent and sensible deal. And within six months, we will hold a public vote with two options: a credible leave deal, or remain.  ...

Work, Justice, Migration, Equality

Work, inequality, justice and migration   Work and employment Labour’s plans will create thousands of well paid, secure jobs in every town, village and city across the UK. We will truly make work pay – and make sure that those looking for work or who can’t...